My logo designs for various companies, festivals & bands.
VUOROMIES (2021) A logo designed for
Popdivari Vuoromies, a 2nd hand record store soon to be opened in Joensuu, Finland
KARHUT-VARTIO (2018)A logo for the Karhut-patrol of the Vartiovuoren Pojat -boyscouts.
ROCK YOU MONKEYS (2016)Rock You Monkeys
Instagram, my wife's concert photography.
KOULUNOMADI (2015)A logo for the Citynomadi KouluNomadi-app (original mascot design by
Mia Ristimäki).
WELLNOMADI (2015)A logo for the Citynomadi WellNomadi-app (original mascot design by
Mia Ristimäki).
MOBIRANGER (2015)Logo for the Citynomadi and Metsähallitus (Finnish government owned company)
MobiRanger mobile app co-venture.
ROCK THE BEACH (2013)Rock The Beach festival logo, vertical version, based on old American tattoo designs.
ROCK THE BEACH (2013)Rock The Beach festival logo, horizontal version, based on old American tattoo designs.
RUISROCK - 3D (2012)Ruisrock festival logo 2012 3D-version. Original idea & design by me.
RUISROCK (2012)Ruisrock festival logo 2012. Original idea & design by me.
RUISROCK - GOTHIC (2011)Ruisrock festival logo 2011, "gothic" version. Original idea & design by me.
RUISROCK (2011)Ruisrock festival logo 2011. Original idea & design by me.
ROCK BULLETIN (2011)Rock Bulletin -magazine & facebook-page logo. Original idea & design by me.
OIVA APU (2010)A logo for the Finnish scootmobile company Oiva Apu . Original idea & design by me.
STOCKHOLM SISU NIGHTS (2010)A logo for a series of concerts by Finnish bands organized by Live Nation at the
Nalen-club in Stockholm. Original idea & design by me.
LASKEUMA RECORDS (2009)A logo for the Laskeuma Records -label. Original idea & design by me.
BLOODPIT (2008)A text logo for the Finnish band Bloodpit. Original idea & design by me.
BLOODPIT - RECOVERED (2008)A variation of the Bloodpit-logo for the "Recovered" -cd. Original idea & design by me.
BACKSTAGE ALLIANCE (2007)A logo for the Backstage Alliance -label. Original idea & design by me.
BLOODPIT - OFF THE HOOK (2007)A variation of the Bloodpit-logo for the "Off The Hook" -cd. Original idea & design by me.
LEF (2007)A logo for the Dutch entertainment agency LEF. Original idea & design by me.
LEF (2007)A logo for the Dutch entertainment agency LEF. Original idea & design by me.
BLOODPIT (2004)A logo for the Finnish band Bloodpit. Original idea & design by me.
STUD MUFFINS (2004)A logo for the Dutch band Stud Muffins. Original idea & design by me.